
Born in 1986
Arrival 2016
Cause Abandon
Status Deceased

What has become of him/her?


Nalou, March 13, 2019
33 years old… a pony who enjoyed a lovely, pampered end of life…
Nalou lived for years roaming around a farm, the owner getting old and letting her live that way. Nalou didn’t have much contact, and ran away as soon as she was approached. Until one day, in April 2016, we received a denunciation for rambling, but also lack of care… the feet were not maintained. Arrived at the Refuge, farrier and clipper, Nalou had gained 10 years, her pretty face made Françoise fall in love with her and she decided to adopt her. For the past 3 years, Nalou has enjoyed a pampered life with cushing’s disease and summer dermatitis, but all care is taken with the utmost precaution.
For the past few weeks, Françoise has been worried… Everything’s slowed down, she doesn’t want to eat anymore, sometimes Nalou doesn’t want to go out, she lies down, crottines very little, it’s like she’s turned off. The vet will do blood tests, but everything’s normal. Discussions between everyone, the conclusion is the same, Nalou is dying out a little more every day… Françoise is devastated, but she decides to let her go, there in the meadow, surrounded…
One more departure, but at a good age and above all respected and pampered… A HUGE THANK YOU to Françoise and Valérie who have given her so much.
Little Nalou, happy galloping in your new world… back to freedom, but this time with permission…
Tribute from her foster family:
Ma nalou,
3 years ago to the day, you came into my life. My only goal was to offer a dignified end to life to a pony taken in by the shelter.
When you first came to us, you had a little trouble understanding that when we came to you, it was for your own good. But you soon realized that our hands were your friends.
With patience, you were completely at ease. Even 3 years later, you could still tell the difference between us and the foreigners. Thank you for your trust.
You were an adorable pony, very, very stubborn at times…..but so, so endearing. Those who took care of you and fed you already miss your little speeches in the morning.
I often wonder how you managed to live in the conditions you were in before you were taken in, as long as care was necessary. Valérie and I did our utmost to make you as comfortable as possible.
You’re the 3rd juju I own with dermatitis, but you broke records with injuries.
Little by little we could see that your quality of life was seriously declining. You were in your own world, and you, who were so addicted to Leika, weren’t even interested in her anymore.
We had to make this terrible decision.
Nalou, you’ll always be in my heart and tears will flow for a long time to come when I think of you, that’s for sure.
Bonne route ma puce and thank you for everything you’ve given me.
Thanks to Darwyn for his confidence.