
Born in 2002
Arrival 2012
Cause Escrow
Status Deceased

What has become of him/her?


January 19, 2016: Lasio…Born in 2002, taken in 2012 for lack of care, Lasio was kept with donkeys and a pony (Rocco). He was lucky enough to be adopted with these inseparable donkeys in a beautiful stable in the canton of Geneva. But in the early hours of the morning, Lasio was suffering from colic, and the vet came to give him first aid and observe him during the day. Unfortunately, the situation didn’t improve, and Lasio was put to sleep at 10pm to put him out of his misery. What a slap in the face for everyone.
For 4 years, Lasio enjoyed a golden and pampered retirement. He enjoyed life to the full with his long-eared friends and his playmate Silver. He will leave a great void in his herd and, as Annette says, Lasio was a pillar of wisdom.
Thanks to all of you, Joanne, the vet, and his foster family for trying, but above all for respecting that this time, it would not have been a good idea to attempt an operation.
Hi Lasio…you were already in paradise….te remains to discover this other world where Roza is waiting for you…Hi Little Haflinger!