What has become of him/her?
January 19, 2018: Gamine
Gamine, one of our 24-month-old fillies (rescue of the 8 horses in November 2016) had severe nosebleeds, then they calmed down. We took her to the clinic for a check-up. A shock for us, Gamine’s guttural pouches were certainly affected by a mycosis, as is often the case. A scab forms on the carotid artery, and when it gives way, the horse begins to bleed out more or less rapidly. A brief veterinary explanation: complications of mycosis of the guttural pouches in horses are frequent and severe. The condition often leads to fatal haemorrhages and nervous signs such as dysphagia or laryngeal hemiplegia. The treatment of choice today is arterial embolization, but this technique requires an experienced surgeon, equipped infrastructures and high costs. We had to make the decision to put Gamine to sleep at the clinic. A hard blow for everyone, but also for our 2 volunteers who kindly offered to transport Gamine….they stayed with her to accompany her. No words for you Gamine…a life that started badly…we put everything in place to make it a pleasant one and to end up brutally like this….Dur. Very hard to see such a nice filly go….