
Born in 2008
Arrival 2009
Cause Slaughterhouse
Status Deceased

What has become of him/her?


March 31, 2016: Conj Conj has just left us suddenly…we are in shock. Recovered a year from the slaughterhouse, Conj had been adopted and broken in…an extremely kind mare. At the family’s request, we took her in at the end of 2015, then placed her at our branch in the canton of Vaud. A problem of breath depending on the periods or efforts had solicited various examinations but nothing had been found. After 5 months of observation, Conj was doing well and was due to be placed, but unfortunately, fate decided otherwise.
Happy to be back in pretty grassy fields, Conj gallops a few times…then stops, shaking violently, then bleeding from the mouth…The herd gathers around her, then leaves…and Conj collapses…it’s over. Conj is dead.
Rachel is devastated…this morning, she was in great shape…and then, at 8 years old, Conj suddenly died. The vet will do a brief autopsy to try and understand.
Conj was a very pretty Franche-Montagne, friendly, endearing, generous…hard to find a fault with her…and now she’s suddenly gone. On the positive side, she left quickly and around her loved ones… Petit Conj, a little early for this departure ….Salut jolie Fm…We’ll miss you….