
Born in 1990
Arrival 2008
Cause Escrow
Status Deceased

What has become of him/her?


March 4, 2016: Cheyenne falls asleep… 2:30 pm, Adeline, calls us, in tears, Cheyenne is lying in the meadow…she can’t get up anymore! The vet quickly arrives on the scene…her pulse has slowed, the mare is in a state of shock and very weak. Cheyenne had been losing condition for weeks, and blood tests last week revealed that she had cushing’s disease…a rapid deterioration in just a few days. We decided to let Cheyenne go with dignity and without fuss, even though she wasn’t that old, only 22.
Cheyenne had been sequestered in 2008 with the group of 17 horses. She was in a miserable state… after having been rehabilitated by Jean-Marc, Cheyenne was adopted by Adeline for a quiet retirement. She enjoyed it for 8 years. Thank you Adeline for everything…. And to you, sweet mare, we wish you all the best for the future!