What has become of him/her?
CaracoleMarch 13, 2021Caracole, taken off the back of a truck belonging to a well-known “merchant” of the time, was destined to make her life as a school horse in a Geneva riding school. Caracole just wasn’t cut out for it…she tried to do well, but it was never enough. Unfortunately, she just had to learn to resign herself like so many others….It was in 2003 that I went through the Refuge’s drawers to buy her back and give her another life.
Discreet with humans and other horses alike, Caracole was adopted in 2016 by Christine, who offered her a wonderful retirement.
But in the last few days, with the help of the vet, Christine had to take the decision to put her to sleep to free her from colic with displaced colon. Caracole was 28 years old.
I must say that Caracole is a mare from the early days of the Refuge, who touched me with her kindness…
Sad, who wouldn’t be, but at the same time grateful to have been able to offer her another life and to have met Christine, who was able to offer her a beautiful life, with all the care and attention she deserved.
Hello pretty mare, have a good trip…a star will shine as bright as your pretty palomino dress…