Action: Bring out the horses
If given the choice, the horses would opt for group housing, with regular outdoor outings and grazing.
Yet the majority of horses in Switzerland frequently live 23 hours a day in narrow, individual stalls.
This is particularly true for very expensive sport horses, and for those used in riding schools.
With its nationwide campaign “Get the horses out!”, Swiss Animal Protection PSA aims to provide every horse in our country with regular outings in the open air and on pasture.

Promoting the well-being of horses
Horses are gregarious animals that need a lot of exercise. That’s why the PSA has been demanding and encouraging regular outdoor exercise, pasture and social contact for all horses for many years.
The PSA horse label, in existence since 2011 and verified by the PSA inspection service, distinguishes companies that keep their horses day and night in groups, and guarantee them outdoor outings and grazing – with professional management and a good understanding of the horse.
But not every farm is able or willing to provide such conditions for all horses in group stabling. In order to give all horses in our country at least as much freedom of movement as possible, including outdoor exercise and grazing, regardless of their stabling system (group or individual), the PSA is today launching its national “Get the horses out!
Equestrian centers or farms that keep their horses in individual boxes can also take part. However, the condition is that there must be a daily group outing, wherever possible in a meadow and, if not, in an all-weather outdoor arena.
Anyone who makes this commitment to their horses becomes an “ambassador” for horse-keeping in line with the needs of the species; they also receive a document from the PSA making them a “horse-friendly” keeper, and will appear on a list in this capacity.